7 Quick Takes Friday – Photo Edition

** 1 **

I seem to have some photos to share, so I’ll devote my 7QT to that this week!

Our house offer was accepted and on Monday of this week we had our inspection. (no major issues – whew!) I won’t post all the photos I took of the house, because well, I’m obsessed. But here’s a few.

Breakfast Nook
view of kitchen from breakfast nook
downstairs bathroom

** 2 **

A few more — sorry, I am a woman in love. 🙂

Living room fireplace with entrance to sun porch
living room
living room into dining room

** 3 **

Ok, I’m done now.

Craft Hope: Red Scarf Project, completed. I crocheted two red scarfs for this project with provides handmade scarves for college-bound kids coming out of the foster care system.

red scarf project

** 4 **

Yesterday I was downtown and went to my favorite shop in Indianapolis, Global Gifts. Global Gifts is a store run as a non-profit (with a board of directors instead of an owner). Everything they sell is fair-trade and most of the things come from developing countries. They sell a wide variety of things, jewelery, home decorations, dishes, scarves, bags, soaps, coffees, chocolate, children’s clothing and toys. It’s awesome! I bought a lot of Christmas gifts there, and I love it because most of the items include a story about where they come from and the people who made them.

Yesterday I found something wonderful; they are called “bohemian headwraps” and they look like a hybrid of a scarf and a headband. I saw them and thought they’d be great for our trip to Rome in May. We’ll be going in and out of a lot of Churches (not to mention the Vatican) and it would be a lot easier to already have a head-band type thing on my head when we get going, rather than fussing with the mantilla.

I bought one in black:

and one in a pretty colorful stripe:

I had to laugh when I read the tag on them. It says:

“Make yourself gypsy-bohemian, artsy-sexy, poetically interesting, rock-star glorious or whatever – it’s all up to you. Crafted by individuals in Guatemala.”

I’m pretty sure the makers of these “gypsy-bohemian, artsy-sexy” headwraps were not imaging them being used for “modesty in church”. I take this as a small victory! 🙂

Thanks global gifts!

** 5 **

I got the job at the Library! I’ll be working as an assistant at the Irvington branch of the public library. I get to start as soon as I pass my drug test. No, seriously. The bar is set high.

Sorry, I have no photo.

** 6 **

Ladies, what are you doing for Valentine’s Day on Sunday? Atticus and I are going to make a recipe found in a cookbook we received as a wedding gift. It’s called “Intercourses”. I know, right? Well, it’s actually pretty cool. It’s full of recipes made with foods that are thought to be aphrodisiacs. 😉

Some of the photos are a bit risque (which I’m sure means 95% of people who aren’t us would think they’re tame), but the food is so good. so good.

We are making Crab Quesadillas with Ripe Mango Salsa for dinner


and a Chocolate Torte Dressed in Berries for dessert. Making dinner at home somehow seems a lot more romantic than going out to a restaurant with fifty other couples.

Also, I decided on a joint gift for Atticus and I. His is here and hers is here. No peeking honey!

** 7 **

Finally, if I had to choose a  funny photo to describe myself, this would be it:


Have a great weekend!

10 thoughts on “7 Quick Takes Friday – Photo Edition

  1. The head scarves are a great idea!

    Thanks for your comment on my blog — I agree; Notre Dame is great, but South Bend…not so much. 😀

  2. Oh my goodness, I have fallen in love with your house! The yellow and white against the black and white tile – be still my heart! The fireplace and gentle slopes are too much for me to handle!

    Also… Cute head wraps! Congrats on the library gig! Those quesadillas look amazing!

  3. LOVE the pictures of the house! Very cute! Congrats on getting the library job! You are leading a much more interesting life than I am now! Those quesadillas DO look good…. way too advanced for me!

  4. Oh, the house is so cute! I love the black-and-white floor! Congratulations!

    The headband/scarfie things are cute and practical. I once lost my mantilla in Paris. I viewed the interior of Notre Dame from under a borrowed UPS baseball cap. 😛

    The quesadillas look delicious.

    Hope you like the new job. My sister works at a library in Cincinnati. I ‘ve always thought a library would be a fun place to work.

  5. Next time you post pictures can you show me what my room will look like? (I’m moving in because I’m in love with it from the pictures you’ve shown)!

    Congratulations on the job! As much as being home is nice, I think you will love being out and about.

    Oh, and that last picture – I’m SO with you on that.

  6. Congratulations on the job!

    It’s interesting about the Stormie Omartian books… I just recently pulled out my copy of Praying Wife and have been reading it every morning. My copy was a gift from a girlfriend about 10 years ago.

    Have a nice week!

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